Downtown Dish

Downtown Dish is a newsletter featuring information from Downtown Maryville. Downtown Maryville was established in 2015 as the Maryville Downtown Improvement Organization- a community-driven, non-profit organization that focuses on the preservation, promotion, revitalization, and enrichment of the economic landscape. Downtown Maryville utilizes the elements of the Main Street Four-Point Approach-Economic Vitality, Promotion, Organization, and Design- as a downtown management strategy to create an organization that is a revitalization leader in the community.

Downtown Maryville Events

Third Thursdays

Thursday, December 21st

Participating Downtown Businesses

Join us for the first Third Thursday! Downtown Maryville is encouraging businesses within the downtown district to expand their operating hours until 7 p.m. As it is the holiday season, the first Third Thursday will be Grinch-themed and highlight ways to shop downtown for last-minute gifts.

Why Third Thursdays

Results from a recent community survey organized by Missouri Main Street Connection have shown that Maryville residents and the surrounding community are willing to shop downtown if more businesses were open after 5 p.m. Downtown Maryville has been meeting with downtown business owners who have expressed a desire to adjust hours in order to accommodate shopping trends and drive more foot traffic.

Ways to Support Third Thursdays

  • Adjust store hours until 7 p.m.

  • Create specials, discounts or other deals to bring customers into your business

  • Host music, informational workshops or other special events

  • Provide drinks or small bites to customers

  • Share information from fellow businesses on social media and in your businesses through flyers and word of mouth

Ways Downtown Maryville will Support Third Thursdays

  • Create events that encourage customers to participate

  • Advertise the event each month through a variety of sources- banners, digital signage opportunities, flyers, social media, press releases, print and digital media, etc.

  • Provide signage to participating businesses

Downtown Maryville News

Downtown Maryville adopts Transformation Strategies

At its November board meeting, Downtown Maryville adopted two transformation strategies proposed by the Missouri Main Street Connection (MMSC). MMSC was in Maryville in late October working with Downtown Maryville to start the process of creating transformation strategies. Transformation strategies provide organizations with community-specific goals that guide the organization’s strategic planning process over two years in developing activities, projects, events, and initiatives that work together in their district.

The two transformation strategies are:

  • Sense of Place: incorporating vibrancy into projects through activation of sidewalks and green pockets with color and activity, introducing color on crosswalks, trashcans, seating, etc., and adding additional artwork and murals to create moments the community wants to engage with

  • Entertainment: recruitment of businesses that support a sense of place and address barriers that prohibit the creation of vibrancy

Business Highlight

Heritage House - Maryville

420 N. Main

Heritage House's health alternatives are amazing for everyone’s holiday need with options including delicious new flavors that truly bring in the spirit of the season. All flavors and products are included in the Hot Deals special.


“Pun’kin Spice” CBD ISO (Isolated CBD, guaranteed no THC) gummies for energy, optimism, and positive mental health

Pun’kin Spice” FSD (Full Spectrum Distillate) gummies for pain and inflammation relief (THC<0.3% by dry weight, compliant for regional, national, and international travel w/ zero concern)

Three new deliciously soothing lozenges coming out this season including Cinnamon, Lemon Honey Ginger, and Bluzeberry rock-hard canna-candies.


Fabulous Friday Holiday Hot Deals

In-store patrons will receive 40% off all products on Friday the 24th and Saturday the 25th… along with a special treat tester of their choice We’re also extending this deal to online buyers who go to anytime between Thanksgiving and Sunday the 26th (Shipping cost is added at checkout)

Visit Maryville Visitor's Guides available

City of Maryville Tourism has developed a visitor's guide for assets and amenities throughout Maryville and the surrounding area. The guide includes a listing of "eat, play, shop, see, meet and stay" businesses and attractions, along with a map. Print guides, as well as a digital version, are available to distribute to customers and travelers.

Please contact Executive Director DeAnn Davison if you are interested in copies of the guide.

Does your business have something to share?

Let us know if your business...

  • is holding an event

  • has an anniversary to celebrate

  • has a new product line or service

  • construction or improvement projects

    Downtown Maryville is happy to promote your news in this newsletter or on social media To share your information, click here.


Downtown Dish